Do you feel called to step into your healing abilities but aren’t sure where to begin? Perhaps you doubt your intuition, struggle to trust your inner guidance, or feel energetically drained. If you’re seeking clarity, empowerment in your spiritual gifts, or practical tools to bring intuition into your daily life and healing practice, Awaken Your Inner Guide was created for you. This workshop is designed to help you…

If you struggle with:

• Self-doubt

• Overthinking

• Distinguishing true guidance vs. mind chatter

• Difficulty embracing your sensitivies

• Distrust in your spiritual abilities

• Fear of failure or being wrong

• Overwhelmed by the energies of others

Through this group learning experience you will deepen your intuition and gain practical tools to embrace your inner guidance, empowering you to step into your path as a healer or harness your sensitivity as an empath.

After completing this workshop, you will walk away with:

• Strengthened connection to your inner guidance

• Enhanced self-awareness 

• Greater discernment & clarity

• Empowerment in empathic abilities

• Deeper trust in your spiritual connection

• More confidence in what you feel to be true

• Practical knowledge to develop your intuition

Awaken Your Inner Guide

90-minute in-person workshop & safe space


Saturday • 12/7/24 • 1PM-2:30PM


3112 O St #11 Sacramento, CA 95816

What's Included:

🌟 Insight into Intuition: Discover the power and potential of intuition as a guiding force.

🌟 Guided Energetic Clearing: Unblock and enhance your intuitive channels with a focused, energy-balancing exercise.

🌟 Practical Techniques: Learn essential practices to cultivate and maintain your intuitive skills.

🌟 Interactive Exercises: Engage in activities that increase awareness and heighten perception, empowering you to integrate intuition seamlessly into your everyday experiences.

Total Investment:

Registration: $45

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